Custom Tags from MECM (SCCM)

With the feature custom tags from discovery, you can choose what values vScope will show about your resource types in the MECM (SCCM).

vScope currently supports retrieving information from the following SCCM Configmgr SQL views.

How to pull more information from MECM (SCCM)

In this walkthrough we’re going to retrieve the Bios version of our machines from MECM (SCCM).

1. Create a new tag from discovery by clicking on ‘Tag Manager’ -> ‘Created from discovery’ and ‘Create tag’.

2. Select which Resource Type in vScope you wish to retrieve more information about from MECM (SCCM).

3. Give the new tag a name. In this case we’re naming it “SCCM – Bios Version” to make it clear that the tag is generated from MECM (SCCM), and not a default vScope tag.

In ‘Value from’ you can select the value you wish to retrieve from MECM (SCCM). These are the same values that can be found in the available SCCM SQL views.

4. Tell vScope how to interpret the value. The format values can be correlated to the DATA_TYPE in the SQL views.

You can use this table as a reference:

SQL Views DATA_TYPEvScope Format Option(s)
nvarcharText, Multiple text or Version Number

Click create tag. vScope will now start to inventory the value from the next discovery and on.

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