Does vScope require an Oracle Java SE Subscription?

Short answer

No, and you do not need to take any action to comply with Oracle’s license and service agreement.

Long answer

vScope requires Oracle Java to be installed on the server. However it does not require an Oracle Java SE Subscription. vScope is currently bundled with Java 11 from Eclipse Adoptium, using a new security patched AdoptOpenJDK version. vScope keeps Java automatically updated with the latest patches in conjunction with new vScope updates.

vScope runs on most OpenJDK derived Java platform implementations from version 8 and upwards – Such as Oracle Java SE and builds from AdoptOpenJDK. When using Oracle Java SE it is your organization’s responsibility to acquire the appropriate Oracle Java SE Subscription if you want to continue getting updates/patches and support from Oracle after the 6 months Java release schedule.

Please contact Oracle for any Java licensing specific questions.

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